About a decade ago, the internet became the new technology intended to transform businesses and lives ultimately. Those businesses owners who took advantage of the new force in doing their businesses now have a reason to smile. Now, today’s world is more than just internet as companies are realizing the full benefits of a mobile website design in their businesses. Now, you have all the reasons in the world to consider investing in a mobile website now before it gets too late.
Many customers are transiting to mobile nowadays
Google recently published a report showing that there was a 411% growth in last minute searches for hotel & accommodation bookings done on mobile gadgets between June 2011 and June 2012 with desktop searches decreasing by 79 percent. According to eBay, they earned $5 billion in 2011 in mobile transactions thanks to mobile devices and keeping this in mind, mobile website design is something that no business should ignore in its rightful mind. (more…)